This is our life...

So we created a blog, a what, a blog - ever heard of it? Well our goal is to keep our family and friends in the know, regarding the craziness that is our lives. We got married on January 21st, 2006 and are loving life together! May 11th, 2007 we had our first child - an amazing little girl named Kristen. God has blessed us more than I could have ever imagined. If you leave a comment, please be sure to put your name! Ryan and Sherry

Friday, May 25, 2007

Week Two: POOP and POOPED!

Well our baby girl is two weeks old now. She is doing great. As you can see, we have experienced some new things this week - poop and being pooped. This week we stopped all formula to "regulate" her and boy did it work. She went from pooping once every 24 hours to 4 or 5 times every 24 hours. I'm sure you are wondering why I am talking about Kristen's poops. Its because during the last week she has pooped on me twice! Both times all over my shorts!! Once it came out of the diaper all over me and the other time I was changing her when she got me. And just like last week, Sherry laughed hysterically at me. She better watch it cause her time is coming.

In other news this is a tired mommy and daddy. Kristen is doing fine sleeping and she doesn't cry through the night, but she just doesn't want to sleep at night. About 11 pm each evening she decides its time to have a party. These pictures of her in pink were taken at midnight. But we are working on it with her and she has gotten better each day. Hopefully she will be content sleeping in her own bed, at night, soon. We will see...

We have been out of the house some this week. Kristen loves being out as much as Sherry and I. We've been to some low key restaurants, to Starbucks, and to visit with family. She met all of her Great Grandparents this week! Here are pictures of some of them.

And last but not least, I have been teaching Kristen some yoga. She doesn't quite have it yet but she is getting there! Haaaaaaaaaaaaa (seriously though, what the heck is she doing?)

That's all for now. I will get back to posting about our lives sometime... but for now just posting about Kristen is good enough for me.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Week One: Burps, Hiccups, and Pee

Today Kristen is one week old. The week has really flown by, but not because we have slept it away! As all of you parents know, infants dont care what our sleep schedule is. Kristen has actually been really good. She is laid back most of the time but some nights she just wants a little extra attention. One thing that we have to do at night is feed. I say we because even when Sherry is feeding, I am awake for the diapers and burping. I was burping Kristen today and realized that I had been doing it for almost 10 minutes. Its amazing that someone so small is perfectly content with dad beating on her back for so long. I would not be so pleasant if I were in her position. Then there are hiccups... apparently that happens when she doesnt burp enough and her stomach is upset. She has had hiccups several times for 15 - 30 minutes at at time and again, it doesnt seem to bother her. AGAIN, I would NOT be so pleasant in her position. Babies are extremely resiliant.

So Ive covered the burps and hiccups... heres the pee. We were at her first doctors appointment the other day and she needed to be changed. I had her in my lap so naturally I get to do the deed. So I undid her diaper and before I could get another one, Sherry had taken the dirty diaper away from her bottom. DANGER DANGER!!! As soon as the air hit her, a river of pee came flowing - all over MY lap! By the time we got that under control it looked like I had peed all over myself! And Sherry was laughing so hard I thought she was going to pee all over herself. Haha... what can ya do but laugh.
Here are some pictures from today. She looks great and is doing really well. She is very alert and is able to focus her eyes on things, like me!


Thursday, May 17, 2007

She's here!!!

Well, it has been a while and alot has changed. The biggest and best change has been the birth of our little girl, Kristen Marie Smith. She was born on May 11th and weighed 5lbs. 9oz. She was almost 5 weeks early, but she is as healthy as a full term baby. She is beautiful and amazing. In the last year and a half I have experienced a whole new level of love. Sherry and Kristen are what I live for these days. I will do anything for them.

Here are some pictures from the hospital - which we stayed for 5 days and Kristen stayed for 6.
