This is our life...

So we created a blog, a what, a blog - ever heard of it? Well our goal is to keep our family and friends in the know, regarding the craziness that is our lives. We got married on January 21st, 2006 and are loving life together! May 11th, 2007 we had our first child - an amazing little girl named Kristen. God has blessed us more than I could have ever imagined. If you leave a comment, please be sure to put your name! Ryan and Sherry

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Kristen's 5 month bio

Kristen is 5 months old today! It has flown by! Here are some Kristen stats:

Weight: 12 lbs

Height: 24 inches

Clothing: still in 0-3 months; we try 3-6 month clothes but they fall off of her!

Favorite Movie: Baby Einstein: Baby Neptune- Discovering Water

Favorite Colors: Red and orange (I think orange reminds her of her daddy b/c he wears it all of the time)

Favorite Hobbies: sucking her feet, talking to pumpkins, watching football, laughing at the crazy dogs, strolling around the neighborhood, drooling

Favorite Game: taking her paci out of her mouth and throwing it so mama and daddy will have to pick it up

Favorite Food: bananas (unfortunately, she had an allergic reaction to them and won't be eating them anymore, but she loves them!)

Favorite restaurant: Chic-Fil-A (she can talk as loud as she wants; plus, they are the only place in CO that has sweet tea- it makes mama and daddy happy!)

First words: mom (she only said it once); meme (we aren't sure that this is a word, but she says it ALL the time); hey (she is talking early! my mom and sister started saying words at 4 months also!)

Favorite book: Llama llama red pajama; all Dr Seuss books

Bad habit: gagging herself

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

More Austin Pics

Austin is getting a suntan today! He is under a jaundice light, but they think he will be off of it tonight. He weighed 7 lbs 5 ounces and is 19.5 inches. He wasn't so happy today b/c the light is keeping him awake and he is SO TIRED! He smiled for the first time and it was so cute!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Austin is here!!

Austin was born this morning at about 4:30 am. Mama and baby are doing fine. He is so cute!! Here are some pics:

Thursday, October 04, 2007


I have to post this yummy marinade. It is the best marinade I've ever had!! That is saying a lot! We have had buffalo in it and tonight I made ostrich steaks in it. It would be good with beef, chicken- I think I could eat it by itself! Ok here it is:

Juice and zest from 2 limes
2 tsp cumin
3 garlic cloves
1 tsp salt (I used sea salt)
1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes

Leave comments and let me know what you think if you try it!!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Tummy Time

Here is Kristen doing her 'tummy time' on a blanket that my Grandmother made her. She is so funny! I kept trying to get her to smile at me, but the Disney princesses were more fun than smiling at Mommy!! My sister says these are 'reality' pictures- drool and all!!!