This is our life...

So we created a blog, a what, a blog - ever heard of it? Well our goal is to keep our family and friends in the know, regarding the craziness that is our lives. We got married on January 21st, 2006 and are loving life together! May 11th, 2007 we had our first child - an amazing little girl named Kristen. God has blessed us more than I could have ever imagined. If you leave a comment, please be sure to put your name! Ryan and Sherry

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


We went to my uncle's beach house in Charleston for a wonderful time of visiting family, playing, and RELAXING! Here are some photos:

Ryan and Hannah walking out to the dock

Great Aunt Susan and Kristen

Rhodes trying to catch a fishy... right before he thought he was sitting on the dock and actually took a plunge! Too funny- wish I had gotten a picture of that!!

Daddy, Aunt Susan, Uncle Tommy- we are just missing Uncle Anthony!

Hannah caught the first fish!! What a whopper!!

What? I already caught one the hard way and it took FOREVER!! Can't I just get one out of here with the net?!

Man, cousin Wade is looking more like his mom every day!!

It was so good to see everybody! You can tell that my mom, Ann, and Karen stayed near the house- they aren't in any pictures! It was cool b/c they kept Kristen while we were playing!! Uncle Anthony was cooking most of the time- except when he went to his neighbor's and got his toe pinched by a crab! We heard him holler three docks down!!
Fishing, boating, crabbing, eating- what an awesome time!

Friday, August 03, 2007

A puppet
Strings held tight
by people all around you

Dictating what you do
"Give me more time"
"Come see me more"

The frail wood is no match
For the pressure from the strings.
Eventually the puppet will break

Cut the strings loose
From your loved ones.
They may get hurt
They may get mad
They may think you are selfish
You may feel guilty.
Give the strings back
To the One who should have them

A puppet works best
When its strings are held
from Above

Then your arms are free
For your husband and child
Your hands are free
To reach out to the unsaved
Your feet are free
To go where He leads you

Strings on each corner of the mouth,
When held from above,
Create a smile

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Getting a suntan...
My cousins stare at me all of the time!

Happy baby! 11 weeks